You are here: Using > Letters > Print Notification Letters

Print Notification Letters


The Print Notification Letters - is a method for generating the required due process notification letters. If the necessary set-up in the Tools-Administrator-Account Codes in the Configure section is completed in its entirety, then the notification letter will provide the requirements of the General Statutes. Be aware that the text of the letter cannot be modified as it has been approved by the N. C. Association of County Commissioners and League of Municipalities. If you choose to do your own letter be sure you adhere to the rules and regulations of the due process statutes.


Frequency: This process can be run at anytime. However, notification letters are normally done once a group of debtors are entered.


- this menu requires access rights assigned in the User Setup. Account Code/Departmental controls - letters can only be generated for the account code/department that the user has access rights to. The admin user should have rights to all account codes in order to print a composite letter. Social Security Numbers are not printed on the letters.


- the first time printing letters it is recommended that this option be used:

and print as many times as necessary to get the System Settings for the letters properly configured. This will test the Top and Left margins,the date location, the number of debts on the 1st page, and the debtor name and address area in the window envelope.


As the end of the year approaches, letters should be sent by mid-December at the latest in order for the debtor to have the required 30 days to pay before being submitted to the Department of Revenue and Education Lottery. The Department of Revenue normally begins processing refunds around January 15th.


- Notification letters: 1) only need to be sent one time, unless the debt increases (unless it is by interest accrual); 2) to the last known address; 3) using regular mail, not certified mail; 4) NEVER print a Social Security Number on the letter or in any supplemental documents sent to the debtor; 5) be able to prove letters were sent and make sure media is saved according to your retention regulations by: a)creating a pdf ; or b) print a copy of the letters.


Don't forget to Mark Letters as Printed before adding additional debtors/debts so that the same debtors do not print in the next batch.


- the Print Notification Letters does NOT utilize the Print Preview that all of the other reports do. There is a Test Print option that prints three letters to check the formatting and information.



1. From the Main Menu click Letters:



There is only one function within Letters:




 2. Move the mouse over the Notification Lettersfunction to view the two options:


3. Move the mouse over Print Notification Letters and click this option to view all of the settings and selections:









- be sure to save a copy of the pdf to another media, such as a CD or DVD or to a server location that is backed up. Leaving on your workstation could be a problem in the event of a hard drive failure or a new computer is installed and the previous taken or salvaged before the file was saved









- the option must be executed FIRST, before the other options will function: or





  1. - prints ALL merged debtor letters to the printer
  2. -prints the first 3 merged debtor letters to the printer
    1. - will not send to the printer but will create a pdf file with the name used in the selections,
      • Shows a progress bar:
      • When done, the file name and folder location of the file is displayed:
  3. - returns to the Notification Letter selection screen

- until familiar with the Notification letter process, it is recommended that both of these be done in order:

  1. - to view the Top Margin, Left Margin, Date, and Address area. Be sure to fold and be sure the name and address will fit in the window envelope
  2. - if the test print looks fine, create the pdf


4. Click to return to the main menu: